Well lets just dive right into it then

Well lets just dive right into it then shall we!

Hells Bells its been a long time since I’ve shared my thoughts out here on the interweb! For that I am sorry – I have been consumed by Reebok, fitness, changing people’s lives and making one helluva difference in this world! So actually, sorry that I’m not sorry! Continue reading

Opening of CrossFit DurBell (Long overdue!!) (Photos)

I must start off by apologising to Garth, owner of the gym. I did promise this post a long while ago but I never got around to it. Here we go..

What a wonderful box and what a fun event. Many people came to the opening of the gym to get stuck into some fun events and the usual awesome CrossFit community vibe! Continue reading

CrossFit Games Analysis (Charts)

During my morning CrossFit blog run-through today I stumbled upon what I see as an absolute gem!

Anders Larson is a CrossFitter from Indianapolis, USA, and has a fair grasp for actuarial/statistical concepts. What he has done is morph his love for CrossFit into his knowledge of statistics, and has come out with the love-child of Rain Man and Rich Froning Jnr! Continue reading

CrossFit DurBell – New Box! (Photo)

This really excites me! I always rant on about how much I want to be part of the growth of CrossFit in South Africa and the wheels are turning yet again!

CrossFit DurBell is a new box that is about to open in the Northern Suburbs of Cape Town. Based on the rugby players I have encountered in my past from the region, I can’t wait to see the beasts that this box produces! Continue reading

Strong body, weak mind.. (Video)

I’m struggling to formulate this blog entry. It’s not ever easy to write about something that gets me down and this is no exception.

Each day as I pursue growth in my CrossFit ambitions and as an individual, I find myself hitting a cross-road. Go left, or go right. Every person encounters these situations on a day-to-day basis and many factors effect which way we go and what path we walk. Continue reading

Fittest in Cape Town 2013 (Video)

So this afternoon I completed my registration for The Fittest in Cape Town 2103!

The event is in its 3rd year and will be held over January 26/27 2013 at Camps Bay High School in Cape Town.

Initially I was looking to be part of a 3-man, 3-woman team but that proved to be more difficult to actually organise than initially expected! So I will be competing as an  individual against the best South Africa has to offer and I intend to put up a decent enough fight!

“The Fittest in Cape Town is intended as an annual competition, providing an opportunity to actually measure physical capacity and compete in functional fitness. As such, it will not only reveal who is fittest, but give each competitor an indication of how fit they are. Even spectators will get an idea of what fitness is about – giving the event both educational and motivational qualities. FiCT is a community event promoting health and fitness – and highlighting what anyone can do to become fitter. It defies the common belief that fitness must decline with age.”Jobst Olschewski, event organiser and Cape CrossFit owner

So the Fittest in Cape Town event aims to test each individual, team, and gym across all forms of functional fitness. Being proficient in just a few disciplines will not be enough to take the title. The competition will test Strength, Flexibility, Speed, Power, Coordination, Accuracy, Agility and Balance, the 8 main pillars of functional fitness.

I’m really excited for this and I hope many of you will come along to support such an awesome event!

Have a look at last years video and check what it’s all about!

In Omnia Paratus